Fabrar Continues to Provide Rice for BESTWA's Feeding Program Despite COVID-19 Restrictions
Fabrar has been proudly partnering with BESTWA for several years, supporting their efforts to feed hungry children by providing rice for their school feeding program. BESTWA's Feeding Program has grown from 150 children to over 1,000 children over the last 10 years. We are pleased to say that COVID-19 has not impacted BESTWA's ability to continue feeding the needy children they serve every month. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns, we have provided almost 10 tons of rice to BESTWA's three strategically located sites! While we did face some challenges early on, navigating through the restrictions caused by the pandemic; we were able to overcome those challenges, while still adhering to all local COVID-19 guidelines to safely provide food for the hungry children.
For more information about BESTWA or to find out how you can help, visit www.bestwa.org.